INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Vivaldi - Der neue Browser im Opera-Stil.

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von Tuxman » 30.03.2016, 16:35

Snapshot 1.0.435.5 - Closing in on a final ... on-a-final


[Regression] Bookmarklets stopped working (VB-14417)
[Regression] Space when focus on YouTube player navigation UI in fullscreen video activates Fast Forward instead of pause (VB-14553)
[Regression] Duplicate Tab gesture in Settings should be renamed to New Tab (VB-13655)
[Regression] Audio indicator in pinned tab disappears when changing tab (VB-14570)
Support master password when importing passwords from Opera 12: This fixes several other import bugs (VB-5048)
Typing too fast leads to incorrect auto complete (VB-14639)
Capitalisation problem through URL auto complete (VB-13990)
Auto complete on bookmarks title fails if title has space (VB-14640)
Speed Dial group deleted to Trash but not disappearing from Start Page (VB-13160)
Speed Dial doesn't allow adding bookmarks (VB-10623)
Cannot access vertical menu with keyboard shortcuts (VB-14302)
Settings / Bookmarks / Behavior / Open "Boookmarks" in New Tab. Misspelling of Bookmarks (VB-14672)
Extension buttons show up in private windows (VB-9201)
Poorly visible text of the hidden interface on browser bar (VB-14394)
Upgraded to Chromium 49.0.2623.110

Tante Google

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von Tante Google » 30.03.2016, 16:35

Beiträge: 574
Registriert: 18.01.2014, 17:35

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von Gerhard » 31.03.2016, 18:02

snapshot-1-0-435-22 ... -breakfast


[Regression] Poorly visible text of the hidden interface on browser bar (VB-14394)
[Windows] [Linux] Some Alt key shortcuts to access the Vivaldi menu do not work (VB-14737)
[Mac] Facebook embedded video do not play (VB-12544)
Saving session with some special characters in session name fails silently (VB-13427)
Extension doesn't work (Lightshot) : captureVisibleTab API (VB-11013)
Clearing history deletes SpeedDial thumbnails (VB-9601)
Last modified on Thursday, 31 March 2016 15:47
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
- Gerhard -

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Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 01.04.2016, 11:44

Snapshot 1.0.435.24 ... coded-urls


Problems with % encoded URLs: also fixes an issue with % in a search (VB-14764)
Tab switching via Ctrl+Tab doesn't remember initial tab (VB-14206)
Settings dialog can not be opened more than once with "Startup with homepage" setting (VB-14383)

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Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
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Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 05.04.2016, 09:12

Snapshot 1.0.435.29 - Vivaldi 1.0 final RC1 ... -final-rc1


Omnidropdown only displays default search engine name (VB-14605)
[Windows] [Linux] Black text on dark background happens with horizontal menus and color tab bar background (VB-14819)
[Regression] Web panel home button or pressing Enter in the URL field will not cause a reload (VB-14790)
Crash when loading URL with invalid character (VB-10640)
Persist selected search engine in search field (VB-14733)
Search suggest for Wikipedia, and DuckDuckGo for other regions (VB-14705)

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Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
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Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 06.04.2016, 09:16

Beiträge: 139
Registriert: 27.01.2013, 19:06

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von wolf44 » 06.04.2016, 09:44

Ein paar weitere Infos dazu

Vivaldi Stable Version ... 28AskVG%29

Vivaldi: New Web Browser from Former CEO and Co-founder of Opera

Vivaldi.1.0.435.38.exe - 38.820.984

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 07.04.2016, 19:40

Vivaldi FINAL 1.0.435.42 ... ivaldi-1-0

Changelog since initial 1.0 release (build 435.38)
[Security] Address bar spoofing: Thanks to Tsubasa Iinuma (@llamakko_cafe) of Gehirn Inc. for the reportVB-15043
Unable to add a first Note via clicking the '+' button in the panelVB-14960

Beiträge: 444
Registriert: 15.01.2014, 18:52

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von nokiafan » 08.04.2016, 20:53

Snapshot 1.1.443.3 - New tab options ... ab-options

[Security] Address bar spoofing: Thanks to Tsubasa Iinuma (@llamakko_cafe) of Gehirn Inc. for the report (VB-15043)
[Regression] WebPanel reverts to desktop version even in mobile setting: further fix (VB-14816)
[Regression] Large PNG or animated GIF does not display when opened directly (VB-13521)
[Regression] Stacked tabs disappeared when disable "Tab stacking" (VB-13898)
[Regression] Emulation tab in Developer Tools disappeared (VB-14710)
[Regression] Unable to add first Note via clicking the '+' button (VB-14960)
Addressbar input field box shadow in Private windows (VB-14714)
Alt+D shortcut activates Vivaldi menu (VB-11958)
Bookmarks panel reports URL cannot be empty on re-opening (VB-14828)
Can not execute bookmarklets by nick from quick commands (VB-12691)
Can not find some settings: search was not always working due to casing (VB-13999)
Allow the ability to Ctrl+Tab back to a "minimized" tab: also fixes dragging
Cutting (Ctrl+X) a URL does not include the protocol (VB-14727)
Deleting typed URL in the adress bar doesn't fully delete it in the dropdown (VB-14656)
Feature to select behavior on clone tab and stacked tab (VB-11537)
Keep Speed Dial view bottom spacing with + button disabled
Not able to quickly go to URL with slash using custom search (VB-14981)
Open selected bookmark(s) with Enter key (VB-14381)
Radio buttons loose focus on change (VB-14821)
Speed Dial doesn't allow adding bookmarks (VB-10623)
Style fix for search suggest (VB-14831)
Title of Vivaldi Settings window is "Vivaldi", not "Settings" (VB-3222)
Disable Keyboard shortcuts option: Also added to final Version 1.0 (VB-14941)
URL should clip based on selection
Rewind dropdown shows different elements depending on where you are in the history list: Rewrote rewind feature completely (VB-12297)
Shortcuts in Vivaldi menu do not always match underscored letters (VB-15172)
Close other tabs when Alt-clicking tab close button (VB-15157)
Not Able to Hibernate/Close Tab Selection (VB-15037)
R.I.P. Karsten Mehrhoff *21.05.1959 +31.12.2013

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 19.04.2016, 08:47

Snapshot 1.1.453.6 - Further tab closing options, improved dark UI and more import options ... rt-options

Ab Vivaldi 1.1 keine Unterstützung mehr für Windows XP, Vista und Mac OSX <= 10.9!
NPAPI-Plugins fallen auch weg.

Das gibt es in der Codebasis von Chromium auch nicht mehr.

[Regression] [Windows] Vivaldi steals focus (VB-14708)
[Linux][Mac] Add missing setting to switch the Vivaldi UI language (as on Windows) (VB-15885)
Added setting to disable the URL Dropdown
Add "Right of current tab" in tab settings for a Close tab (VB-12674)
Arrow symbol in bookmarks bar does not work properly (VB-4479)
Better transition for Ctrl+Enter (http://www.) in URL field
Bookmarks bar list under chevron icon displays wrong items (VB-15831)
Bookmarks bar is mssing New Folder context menu option (VB-15501)
Browser closes when using the Pocket extension (VB-14498)
Can not move a bookmark item to the end of list on the bookmark toolbar (VB-15975)
Close Other Tab Doesn't deal with stacks (VB-15916)
Close other tabs when ALT-clicking tab close button: now possible to assign keyboard shortcut and accessible in Quick Commands (VB-15157)
Cutting from start in URL field clears URL field (VB-15350)
Dark scrollbars in panels and bookmarks when Dark UI is set (VB-15901)
Dropping a bookmark bar item on the bookmark bar creates a new item (VB-15907)
Faster Tab Stack Creation
Forward and back mouse buttons operate on wrong window (VB-14952)
Going to the wrong site on autocomplete (VB-15301)
Group similar tabs to stack can group very different sites (VB-10110)
Hibernate tab stack (VB-13209)
Hide tooltip when searchfield or URL field gets focused or updates
Improve automatic underscoring in menus (VB-15349)
JavaScript "" causes 2 HTTP requests: Lastpass showed a blank page when opening Secure Note (VB-13931)
Menu key activates wrong context menu for Spatial Navigation highlighted links on windows (VB-9169)
Move to New Window option should not be in tabs in Private windows (VB-15179)
Not Possible to Hibernate/Close Tab Selection (VB-15037)
Page can override Spatial Navigation indicator (e.g. (VB-15735)
Per tab zoom does not activate immediately but only after browser restart (VB-13959)
Radio button in toggle image menu squeezed (VB-15013)
Renaming items on the bookmark tool bar is confusing with Title sorting enabled (VB-15711)
Reset fast forward earlier on navigation and load when idle
Saving changes to bookmark using enter/return (VB-15740)
Some URLs are searched instead of followed (VB-14729)
Speed dial not imported from Opera 12 (VB-15036)
Speed dial sorting follows bookmarks manager sorting (VB-14418)
Tabs cloned from stack appears to the right of the stack (VB-11055)
Tab Tiling is Cleared when Stacked (VB-15277)
Use input case when autocomplete on URL
Vivaldi Missing Title Case in Translation (VB-15342)
Upgraded to Chromium 50.0.2661.75: With this we drop support for Windows XP, Vista and versions of MacOSX below 10.9. In addition we have disabled NPAPI plugins

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 20.04.2016, 15:37

Snapshot 1.1.453.30 - More fixes as we close in on the 1.1 stable update ... ble-update

Known issues
We have received a few reports about the following. Fixes are already being tested internally and should arrive in the next snapshot.
[Regression] POST to new window results in second GET request to same URL (VB-16295)
[Linux] HTML5 proprietary media does not work in Vivaldi 1.1 under Ubuntu with chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra version 49.0.2623.X installed (VB-16300)

[Regression] Ctrl or Shift Click on Speed Dial entry opens blank tab (VB-16199)
[Regression] Fast forward button is not activated sometimes (VB-15979)
[Regression] Title completion in bookmarks is not working (VB-16202)
[Regression] Items for Mail and Contact panels show up View menu on all builds (VB-16194)
[Regression] Installer mentions Chrome in an error message (VB-14837)
Translation updates

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 22.04.2016, 09:38

Snapshot 1.1.453.36 - Vivaldi 1.1RC1 ... ldi-1-1rc1

[Regression] POST to new window results in second GET request to same URL (VB-16295)
[Regression] Characters lost in URL field (VB-16268)
[Regression] Cannot create a new bookmarks folder (VB-16165)
[Regression] Use of Find In Page makes tabs unresponsive (VB-16332)
[Linux] HTML5 proprietary media does not work in Vivaldi 1.1 under Ubuntu with chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra 49.0.2623.X (VB-16300)
[Linux] Possible crash under 32bit (VB-16270)
Disable all but Ctrl+t,n,w keyboard shortcuts when plugins are focussed: Workaround for clashes e.g. backspace in Flash or PDF forms. A few more may be enabled before the 1.1 final (VB-15312)

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 23.04.2016, 15:50

Snapshot 1.1.453.43 - Vivaldi 1.1 RC2 ... di-1-1-rc2

[Regression] Keyboard shortcuts don't work in internal pages, svg, error page and PDFs (VB-16438)
Fix for error page graphics
Updated to Chromium 50.0.2661.89


Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von Gast » 26.04.2016, 06:12

Snapshot 1.1.453.45 - Vivaldi 1.1RC3

[Regression] After opening a Speed Dial from an internal page, ↑ and ↓ do not work in URL field (VB-16324)
Fixed APT warning on Ubuntu
Translation updates

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 26.04.2016, 10:09

Final 1.1.453.47 ... -1-is-here


Changelog seit 1.0 build 435.42
Versteckter Text:
Add an option to select opening behavior on clone tab and stacked tab: Cloned, popup or Ctrl/Shift clicked tabs open in stack by default VB-11537
Close other tabs when holding Alt and clicking tab close button or via context menu and quick commands VB-15157
Add more tab activation options on closing a tab: e.g. the possibility to activate the tab to the left or right VB-12674
Add the possibility to hibernate/Close Tab Selection: selection can be made by Ctrl or Shift clicking tabs VB-15037
Add setting to disable the URL Dropdown
Open selected (Ctrl or Shift) bookmark(s) with Enter key VB-14381
Add possibility to hibernate tab stack VB-13209
Add possibility to import Speed dials from Opera 12 VB-15036
[Windows] Vivaldi steals focus VB-1470
[Linux][Mac] Add missing setting to switch the Vivaldi UI language as on Windows VB-15885
Faster Tab Stack Creation
Allow the ability to Ctrl+Tab back to a "minimized" tab: also fixes dragging
Dark scrollbars in panels and bookmarks when Dark UI is set VB-15901
Close Other Tab Doesn't deal with stacks VB-15916
Group similar tabs to stack can group very different sites VB-10110
Move to New Window option should not be in tabs in Private windows VB-15179
Arrow symbol in bookmarks bar does not work properly VB-4479
Bookmarks bar list under chevron icon displays wrong items VB-15831
Bookmarks bar is mssing New Folder context menu option VB-15501
Browser closes when using the Pocket extension VB-14498
Can not move a bookmark item to the end of list on the bookmark toolbar VB-15975
Cutting from start in URL field clears URL field VB-15350
Dropping a bookmark bar item on the bookmark bar creates a new item VB-15907
Forward and back mouse buttons operate on wrong window VB-14952
Hide tooltip when searchfield or URL field gets focused or updates
Improve automatic underscoring in menus VB-15349
JavaScript "" causes 2 HTTP requests: Lastpass showed a blank page when opening Secure Note VB-13931
Menu key activates wrong context menu for Spatial Navigation highlighted links on windows VB-9169
Page can override Spatial Navigation indicator (e.g. VB-15735
Radio button in toggle image menu squeezed VB-15013
Renaming items on the bookmark tool bar is confusing with Title sorting enabled VB-15711
Saving changes to bookmark using Enter/Return VB-15740
Some URLs are searched instead of followed VB-14729
Speed dial sorting follows bookmarks manager sorting VB-14418
Tab Tiling is Cleared when Stacked VB-15277
Use input case when autocomplete on URL
Vivaldi Missing Title Case in Translation VB-15342
Large PNG or animated GIF does not display when opened directly VB-13521
Stacked tabs disappeared when disable "Tab stacking" VB-13898
Emulation tab in Developer Tools is not present VB-14710
Unable to add first Note via clicking the '+' button VB-14960
Addressbar input field box shadow in Private windows VB-14714
Alt+D shortcut activates Vivaldi menu VB-11958
Bookmarks panel reports URL cannot be empty on re-opening VB-14828
Can not execute bookmarklets by nick from quick commands VB-12691
Can not find some settings: search was not always working due to casing VB-13999
Cutting (Ctrl+X) a URL does not include the protocol VB-14727
Deleting typed URL in the adress bar doesn't fully delete it in the dropdown VB-14656
Keep Speed Dial view bottom spacing with + button disabled
Not able to quickly go to URL with slash using custom search VB-14981
Radio buttons loose focus on change VB-14821
Speed Dial doesn't allow adding bookmarks VB-10623
Style fix for search suggest VB-14831
Title of Vivaldi Settings window is "Vivaldi", not "Settings" VB-3222
Better transition for Ctrl+Enter (www.<input>.com) in URL field
URL should clip based on selection
Shortcuts in Vivaldi menu do not always match underscored letters VB-15172
Disable all but essential keyboard shortcuts when plugins are focussed: Workaround for clashes e.g. backspace in Flash or PDF forms. VB-15312
Installer mentions Chrome in an error message VB-14837
Updated Chromium to 50.0.2661.89: With this we drop support for Windows XP, Vista and versions of MacOSX below 10.9. In addition we have disabled NPAPI plugins

Beiträge: 8911
Registriert: 20.07.2014, 12:25
Hat sich bedankt: 51 Mal
Danke erhalten: 38 Mal

Re: INFO - Neue Vivaldi-Versionen melden

Beitrag von GwenDragon » 02.05.2016, 16:07

Final 1.1.453.52
Minor update to Vivaldi 1.1

Changelog since 1.1 initial release (build 453.47)
Cannot easily check the security of a domain via the URL badge / developer tools security panel broken VB-16777
Vivaldi does not install on Ubuntu 12.04
Upgraded to Chromium 50.0.2661.94
Changelog since 1.0 (build 435.42)
Add an option to select opening behavior on clone tab and stacked tab: Cloned, popup or Ctrl/Shift clicked tabs open in stack by default VB-11537
Close other tabs when holding Alt and clicking tab close button or via context menu and quick commands VB-15157
Add more tab activation options on closing a tab: e.g. the possibility to activate the tab to the left or right VB-12674
Add the possibility to hibernate/close tab selection: selection can be made by Ctrl or Shift clicking tabs VB-15037
Add setting to disable the URL dropdown
Open selected (Ctrl or Shift) bookmark(s) with Enter key VB-14381
Add possibility to hibernate tab stack VB-13209
Add possibility to import Speed dials from Opera 12 VB-15036
[Windows] Vivaldi steals focus VB-1470
[Linux][Mac] Add missing setting to switch the Vivaldi UI language as on Windows VB-15885
Faster Tab Stack Creation
Allow the ability to Ctrl+Tab back to a "minimized" tab: also fixes dragging
Dark scrollbars in panels and bookmarks when Dark UI is set VB-15901
Close Other Tab Doesn't deal with stacks VB-15916
Group similar tabs to stack can group very different sites VB-10110
Move to New Window option should not be in tabs in Private windows VB-15179
Arrow symbol in bookmarks bar does not work properly VB-4479
Bookmarks bar list under chevron icon displays wrong items VB-15831
Bookmarks bar is mssing New Folder context menu option VB-15501
Browser closes when using the Pocket extension VB-14498
Can not move a bookmark item to the end of list on the bookmark toolbar VB-15975
Cutting from start in URL field clears URL field VB-15350
Dropping a bookmark bar item on the bookmark bar creates a new item VB-15907
Forward and back mouse buttons operate on wrong window VB-14952
Hide tooltip when searchfield or URL field gets focused or updates
Improve automatic underscoring in menus VB-15349
JavaScript "" causes 2 HTTP requests: Lastpass showed a blank page when opening Secure Note VB-13931
Menu key activates wrong context menu for Spatial Navigation highlighted links on windows VB-9169
Page can override Spatial Navigation indicator (e.g. VB-15735
Radio button in toggle image menu squeezed VB-15013
Renaming items on the bookmark tool bar is confusing with Title sorting enabled VB-15711
Saving changes to bookmark using Enter/Return VB-15740
Some URLs are searched instead of followed VB-14729
Speed dial sorting follows bookmarks manager sorting VB-14418
Tab Tiling is Cleared when Stacked VB-15277
Use input case when autocomplete on URL
Vivaldi Missing Title Case in Translation VB-15342
Large PNG or animated GIF does not display when opened directly VB-13521
Stacked tabs disappeared when disable "Tab stacking" VB-13898
Emulation tab in Developer Tools is not present VB-14710
Unable to add first Note via clicking the '+' button VB-14960
Addressbar input field box shadow in Private windows VB-14714
Alt+D shortcut activates Vivaldi menu VB-11958
Bookmarks panel reports URL cannot be empty on re-opening VB-14828
Can not execute bookmarklets by nick from quick commands VB-12691
Can not find some settings: search was not always working due to casing VB-13999
Cutting (Ctrl+X) a URL does not include the protocol VB-14727
Deleting typed URL in the adress bar doesn't fully delete it in the dropdown VB-14656
Keep Speed Dial view bottom spacing with + button disabled
Not able to quickly go to URL with slash using custom search VB-14981
Radio buttons loose focus on change VB-14821
Speed Dial doesn't allow adding bookmarks VB-10623
Style fix for search suggest VB-14831
Title of Vivaldi Settings window is "Vivaldi", not "Settings" VB-3222
Better transition for Ctrl+Enter (www.) in URL field
URL should clip based on selection
Shortcuts in Vivaldi menu do not always match underscored letters VB-15172
Disable all but essential keyboard shortcuts when plugins are focussed: Workaround for clashes e.g. backspace in Flash or PDF forms. VB-15312
Installer mentions Chrome in an error message VB-14837
Updated Chromium to 50.0.2661.89: With this we drop support for Windows XP, Vista and versions of MacOSX below 10.9. In addition we have disabled NPAPI plugins
