Start++ erweitert das Startmenü in Vista

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Start++ erweitert das Startmenü in Vista

Beitrag von moinmoin » 08.03.2007, 11:17

Mit dem Gratistool lässt sich das Startmenü unter Vista erweitern.

Ob über frei definierbare Tastenkürzel Programme starten oder die Wikisuche einbinden.

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Als nächstes ist geplant eine Bildersuche zu integrieren.

Tante Google

Start++ erweitert das Startmenü in Vista

Beitrag von Tante Google » 08.03.2007, 11:17

★ Team Admin ★
Beiträge: 60147
Registriert: 14.11.2003, 11:12
Hat sich bedankt: 136 Mal
Danke erhalten: 621 Mal

Beitrag von moinmoin » 21.08.2007, 15:49

Start++ ist heute in der Version 0.75 erschienen.

Was ist seit der 0.70 passiert
0.7.5 includes the following changed from 0.7.4:
Fixed a problem with Import / Export of gadgets introduced in 0.7.2.
Added mousewheel support for gadgets.

0.7.4 includes the following changed from 0.7.3:
The necessary C++ runtime libraries will now be installed automatically if you need them (this is why the installer is now 2.5MB or so). This should get rid of the error messages about the hook failing to install on machines without these libraries already installed by some other app (ie. Visual Studio).
Fix to gadgets like "calc" (or any that were submit-only) that would not work properly because of a bug introduced in 0.7.2.

0.7.3 includes the following changes from 0.7.2:
Some users reported an error message shown when Start++ fails to find an included DLL. This update includes an attempt to address that, as well as a more verbose error message to help troubleshoot the issue.

0.7.2 includes the following changes from 0.7.1:
Fixed a crash when using the context menu of the Start Gadget browser window
Added some additional Gadget properties for Gadget authors, largely targetted at Twitter support:
The user can now specify a username / password which will be used for HTTP Basic Authentication when connecting to the server. The password is saved on the disk in an AES encrypted format.
OnActivate and OnSubmit now support providing HTTP POST parameters.
When exporting a Gadget, the username and password fields will be blanked out.
Known issues:
Passwords are not masked when displayed on the screen in the Start++ UI. I plan to fix this, but as far as I can tell it's not something the Property Grid control supports natively.
Installing Gadgets is supposed to launch a second copy of Start++ momentarily, but sometimes it seems to hang.
For now, a reboot or log-off/log-on is recommended after upgrading Start++ 0.7 and later. It shouldn't be necessary, but in certain upgrade scenarios it seems to be. Still working out exactly why that is.
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