Zoom Player + BSPlayer

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Zoom Player + BSPlayer

Beitrag von Nemoflow » 26.05.2005, 23:52

Noch kein Thread zu den beiden besten Movie-Playern?
Kann nicht sein.^^

Also ab jetzt hier, immer die neuesten Versionen und Updates.

Zoom Player v4.50 release candidate 1


* Zoom Player now supports the PNG image format for Background Images,
Folder images, Skinning Elements and the Internal Image Viewer
(which now can also view Windows BMP files).

* With the Gracious help of Milenko Mitrovic, The Station Manager
can now fetch the Top-500 SHOUTcast radio stations (Internet
connection required) and let you add them to the Station Manager
or play them directly.

* New Control file ("zplayer.regfilters") allowing you to automatically
and dynamically register/unregister and set/remove registry settings
when Zoom Player is opened/closed. This is especially useful for
USB Flash Drives (UFD Devices), See:

* New Setting (Advanced Options / Settings / Other), enabling you to
have Zoom Player save its configuration in a local file within the
Zoom Player directory ("zplayer.local").

The benefit of this feature is that it allows you to run Zoom Player
from external devices such as USB Flash Drives (UFD devices) while
maintaining your personal settings across multiple systems. See:

* New Setting (Advanced Options / Filter Control / Settings), allowing
you to force VMR Video Renderers from trying to compensate for the
Video Aspect Ratio. This setting can help prevent resize artifacts
with certain video formats (similar to the VMR9 Resize Fix).
You need at least Windows XP Service Pack 2 for this feature to work.

* New Setting (Advanced Options / DVD / DVD Tools) allowing you to
have Zoom Player wait for "On NTSC/PAL/DVD Stop" executed programs
to close prior to Playing/Stopping the DVD.

* New Value (Advanced Options / Filter Control / Customized Media /
Settings) allowing you to disable Customized Media Playback for
a list of specified extensions.

* New Command Line Parameter "/CLOSE" allowing you to close a
currently running instance of Zoom Player from the command line.

* New Target Parameter on the CreateExButton and DrawExText skin
commands allowing you to create Button and Text labels on the
Control Bar (outside the Dynamic-Button area).

* New functions "fnIncPreAmp" (Ctrl+Home) and "fnDecPreAmp" (Ctrl+End)
allowing to Increase/Decrease the PreAmp volume.

* New TCP/IP Messages 1010,1603,1703,1704,1753,5100,5110,5120.

+ MSVCR70.DLL should no longer be required for playing back
WMV DRM content.

+ When Customized Media Playback fails to create a working graph
for media files, standard mode will now retain the Audio and
Video Renderer selection as used under Customized Media.

+ Improved the Magnetic Docking code so now when switching locations
for the interface, it looks to see which area has more space to
display the interface instead of just switching when the original
location is touching the monitor's border.

+ The DVD Next/Previous Chapter buttons now also act as Next/Previous
titles when you're currently playing the last or first chapters.

+ Auto-Get of Media File Duration/Title should now work better with
formats such as CD Audio, Monkey Audio, FLAC Audio and MPC.

+ Playing Radio Stations will now show the station name on the
Play List Editor if "Use Media Title" is enabled under
"Advanced Options / Values / Play List".

+ Another change to how Zoom Player is opened when an external program
tells it to start maximized. Now Zoom Player will just start in
a regular maximized window.

+ Removed the white border on the gradients pattern, it was bleeding
and making gradients harder to evaluate.

- Fixed a possible cause for freezing when initially loading certain
types of DVDs in VMR9 Renderless mode.

- VMR9 Exclusive Fullscreen Renderless mode should now work on
secondary monitors.

- You should now be able to navigate DVD Menus in renderless
mode using the mouse.

- Pressing Enter/Play on the Advanced Play List Control would
not play the right file.

- Automatic Audio/Subtitle stream selection was not functioning
properly if the Haali Media Splitter filter was not being used.

- "DVD Auto-Execute" values should now properly pass parameters
to the executed programs.

- You can now use negative values on Text/Button skin positioning.

- Fixed more cosmetic skinning issues related to the "Auto-Size User
Interface to maintain Video Aspect Ratio" setting.

- Sorting by "Date" was actually only sorting by "Day" and not the
exact date.

- Loading a QuickTime ".MOV" file using the ActiveX component with
the Zoom Player user interface set to auto-resize to the content
source size should no longer show a cropped initial image.
Now try saying that fast 3 times.

- Fixed a problem when Enqueue from external applications that
could cause a ghost window to flash and possibly cause the
Zoom Player skin to corrupt.

- Loading "ASX" play lists that contain certain character tags
should now work.

- Having Auto-Size user interface to maintain video aspect ratio
enabled would prevent resizing of the user interface in audio mode.

- Auto-Segment loading should no longer add files to the play list
if they already are in the play list.

- Loading an ASX play list with non-UTF8 encoded non-english
character sets should now work more reliably.

- Fixed a bug in the SendMessage API that would report a wrong
DVD/Media mode.

Tante Google

Zoom Player + BSPlayer

Beitrag von Tante Google » 26.05.2005, 23:52


Beitrag von Torti » 27.05.2005, 00:04

Wie weit isn der "mod-bar" ? Bild

Beiträge: 2194
Registriert: 07.03.2004, 18:30

Beitrag von Nemoflow » 27.05.2005, 00:07

Beide Player sind extremst "Modbar".

Beiträge: 2194
Registriert: 07.03.2004, 18:30

Beitrag von Nemoflow » 27.05.2005, 00:12



BS Player-Beispiel:


★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 5279
Registriert: 10.11.2003, 17:49

Beitrag von Strictly4me » 27.05.2005, 00:19



Verwende ihn aber seit Mediaplayer Classic kaum mehr.
Kannst mir aber mal Deinen GANT-BS Player zukommen lassen.

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Beiträge: 2194
Registriert: 07.03.2004, 18:30

Beitrag von Nemoflow » 09.07.2005, 20:08

