Seite 25 von 33

Verfasst: 22.06.2006, 00:04
von Herzog
Danke, das liest man doch gern. :)

tabSRMM changelog

Changes made 2006-06-20
* The tab order within a container can now be changed by using simple drag ‘n drop.

* small bugfix when loading and saving themes (info panel field background)

* the dialog for configuring the tab appearance is now part of the new Message window skin option page and has been removed from the context menu on the tabs.

* fixed crash in font options dialog when using it with a fresh profile.


WebCam Video
MS_WEBCAM_OPEN improved.


YAMN tweety - YAMN tweety win9x
+ add ctr-A to select all mails
+ del key delete selected mail
+ add a select all button


added clients:
MSN v.0.4.x-0.5.x, v 0.6.x, v 0.7.x, v 0.8.x (requires MSN protocol from test build #59 )
Miranda IM v. 0.4.x, 0.5.x, 0.6.x (for future)
some icons tuning


Hotmail Notifier
Fixes for changes with hotmail.

Verfasst: 23.06.2006, 02:22
von Herzog

TriggerPlugin - development version (22 Jun 06)
Changed options page drawing
Fixed glitch in scheduler options page


- Different handling of timers
- Partitial locked status support (full support requires changes in core)
- Fix 'random' crash


Hotmail Notifier
Removed the output to the debug files...


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
+ Option to show upcoming age (age the contact will have on 31 dec) or current age (the age of the contact today).

Verfasst: 23.06.2006, 23:36
von Herzog

Clist Modern Layered
Too bore to write changelog :(

Some bugfixes related to visibility icons, new icons for overlays, chat activity icon, new atribute for skin rules ‘RootGroup=True/False’ to identify that group contant belongs to is root.


Avatar History
Dieses Plugin speichert alte Avatare automatisch sobald ein Kontakt seines ändert, kontaktspezifische Optionen sind auch geplant freuen
(Ersatz zu AutoLoadAvatars)

Benötigt: Avatar Service, Folders optional um den Speicherort der Dateien zu ändern.

englischer Forenthread
thx@FREAK_THEMIGHTY der das Plugin gefunden hat.


- updated to be compatible with triggerplugin 0.2+


Miranda database - with AutoBackups
- svn sync 23/6/06
- updated to be compatible with triggerplugin 0.2+


Updater Unicode - Ansi
- updated to be compatible with triggerplugin 0.2+


MRA protocol
- Fixed resources leaks

Verfasst: 25.06.2006, 10:23
von Herzog

NewStatusNotify unicode
* attempt to fix hang on popup text change
+ added "user: from offline" sound event


Quick Contacts Ansi - Unicode
On pressing an user defined hotkey an dialog pops up where you can
enter a contacts name or select it from a combobox and send it
messages/files/urls an look at his details.

This is a mod of the Hotkey plugin by micron-x

To be able to set the hotkey, you need clist_modern (or some other that implements Hotkeys2).

Available hotkeys
Ctrl-F: Send file
Ctrl-U: Send URL
Ctrl-I: Show userinfo
Ctrl-H: Open history
user-defined: Open hotkey dialog (see options page)


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
+ Added Birthday reminder compatibility (Birthday reminder color inside add/change birthday dialog is pink).

Verfasst: 26.06.2006, 01:33
von Herzog

* Enabled 32bit icons in lastseen history dialog (fixes the "transperancy bug")
* New variable: %T: Status Message
* Parser rewritten to be safer
* Click on popup will open message window

Miranda IM v0.5 Build #59
Finally the whole list of blocking bugs is practically exhausted, let’s think about the installer? This build includes:
- many fixes to MSN & YAHOO;
- redesigned loadavatars plugin, which should work now much faster.
- redesigned clist nicer+ and modernb plugins.


Scriver (2006-06-25)
+ support for RTL messages
+ send-to-all confirmation dialog
* Unicode-related fixes

Verfasst: 27.06.2006, 00:19
von Herzog

Das IRC Protokoll wird momentan weiterentwickelt und wird demnächst neue Modifikationen enthalten.

* new avatar icon (thanks to Angeli-Ka)
* fixed XP look in options
* changed VERSION response
* MirVer field is no more removed
* fixed Idle in PopUp when no info avaiable
* fixed default PopUp colours and timeouts
* fixed Ident field for FreeNode network
* fixed Whois PopUp when user is offline
* initial release version
Englischer Thread



Avatar Service
New version with some changes:
+ Added page to user info dialog
+ Some code to handle Avatar History

If the freeze is caused by avs, i could not yet find it...


History++ Alpha (build from 26 Jun 2006 11:27 +0400)

Changelog siehe Timeline


* Use popup for warning instead of message box.
+ Check if popup plugin is present if not use messagebox.


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
+ Added popup if no birthdays are near.

Verfasst: 27.06.2006, 23:11
von Herzog

Alpha History++ (build from 27 Jun 2006 13:08 +0400)

Changelog siehe Timeline


Avatar Service
One more version. This will show an error popup when some situation that can cause a freeze happens (change by Nightwish).


Avatar History
* Popups on avatar change
* Options page, and option to enable/disable auto-saving avatars
* Now uses local time, not UTC
* Smaller dll size (thanks for spotting it yb :))


* added Updater support (beta only)
* changed VERSION request place
* some xStatus and avatar changes


Fingerprint mod
[-] IconLib tree fixes.
[+] new IRC clients tree (IRC 0.7 needed!).
[+] added LexSys pack icon.
[+] added eMule client.
[+] added eMule+ client.
[+] added MirandaIM IRC client.
[+] added Irssi client.
[+] added KVIrc client.
[+] added mIRC client.
[+] added Opera client.
[+] added pIRC client.
[+] added Pirch client.
[+] added PJIRC client.
[+] added psyBNC client.
[+] added uTorrent client.
[+] added ZipTorrent client.
[+] added xBitch client.
[+] added xChat client.

tabSRMM Changes to the template system
This article describes the changes which have recently been made to the message log system in tabSRMM and which may be of interest for the users.

These changes will be fully available with the next tabSRMM release (most likely, the next Miranda nightly build).

Note that, especially the auto-bidi mode, may require that you update your configuration. You definately should reset your RTL template set (see below) to make it compatible with the auto-bidi operation.

1. Automatic bidirectional mode

This is an important change. It allows to have both LTR (left to right) and RTL (right to left) messages together in the message log. There is no need to switch to a manual RTL mode anymore. Currently, this works only with MSN, because MSN is the only protocol which can transmit and receive the text direction information alogside each message.

tabSRMM allows to send and receive this information. When the text input area is in RTL mode (RTL users can switch with Ctrl + Right Shift or Ctrl + Left Shift between RTL and LTR editing) and the message contains at least 2 characters of a valid RTL language (hebrew for example), tabSRMM will tell the protocol to send it as RTL message (currently, MSN can do it). This happens automatic and you don’t need to activate RTL mode or anything else - it just detects RTL by analyzing the outgoing message.

Messages containing both RTL and LTR character sequences should also work fine.

However, the auto-bidi option will have some impact on the visual appearance of the message log, because of some technical limitations in the rich edit control, in particularly:

* auto-bidi support only works in the unicode build of tabSRMM.

* currently, it does NOT work with IEView, because IEView has no support for mixed LTR/RTL messages. This might be added by its author at a later time, but I don’t know.

* When the message log is in auto-bidi mode (which happens when the first RTL message is received), some of the advanced formatting options are limited or not available. This is due to limitations in the rich edit control and cannot be solved. It includes things like horizontal grid lines and multiple background colors for incoming and outgoing messages (they work, but limited to new messages arriving in the log). Other options like text indent, icons, symbols should work as normal. Bug reports about these limiations or requests to change them will be ignored, because auto-bidi mode currently works in the best possible way.

Maybe some of the limitations can be solved by using IEView when it gets auto-bidi implemented (no idea, if it is planned though).

The old (manual) RTL mode is still supported though, but is now emulated with the automatic bidi mode. The ANSI version can still use manual mode.

2. Changes to the template system.

* the default template sets have been changed, mainly to support auto-bidi mode which affects the RTL template set more than the LTR. If auto-bidi produces strange results, then most likely because you have custom templates loaded from a theme or skin.

* the template editor has a new button: Reset all templates - this allows you to reset your current template set to the default (hardcoded) templates with a single click. Previously, you could only reset single templates.

* When loading a theme (.tabsrmm file), tabSRMM will no longer automatically overwrite your templates without asking.

* When loading a skin, it will, by default, not overwrite your fonts, colors and templates, even if the skin has a theme file integrated. You can set the options on the *Message window skin” option page.

* Loading a skin at startup will never overwrite any message log related things - no fonts, colors, templates.

The “Simple” template

This is a new feature in the template parser. There are 2 new variable modifiers available. The ? modifier will skip the following variable, when the template set has been set to simple mode. The \ modifier will skip it when the template set is not in simple mode. Switching between simple and normal template mode is avaialable from the message log menu (toolbar or menubar).

With these 2 new modifiers, you can easily define a template which allows you to switch between 2 modes quickly. The first mode could be full display, including nickname, timestamp and so on, while the simple mode could skip these things and provide a more simple layout.


New Avatar Notify
Notifies you with a PopUp when someone changes his/her avatar. You'll need Avatar Service (loadavatars.dll) for this to work.

If you've got the latest beta realese of PopUp (or YAPP) you'll see the new avatar in the popup.

It's a REALLY basic plugin... So feel free to grab the source and add some options to it :-)

Verfasst: 28.06.2006, 22:16
von Herzog

Avatar History
* Changed popup text to 'user changed his/her avatar' by popular demand zunge raus 1
* Made UI strings translatable (I hope)


* Fixed Windows 98 issues, I hope


* more xstatus fixes, almost ready
* fixed a bug when Nudge was recieved from contact not in list
* enabling Nudge option checks for Nudge presence


* updated xstatus functions
* improved VERSION request


New Avatar Notify
- Clicking on the popup will open the message window for that contact.
- Right-clicking on the popup will close the popup.


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
+ Made show popups when no birthdays are near optional.
+ Added service to refresh user details on all contacts. Will go through all contacts in your list (regardless of protocol) and update their user details, one every 2 seconds (to avoid flooding).

Verfasst: 29.06.2006, 23:48
von Herzog

- fixed unicode dialog titles
- fixed some glitches in ChangeInfo
- fixed unicode user details - sometimes garbage was added
- improved client detection routime (more clients detected & more reliable)
- other small fixes

tabSRMM The release notes dialog
I’ve added a release notes dialog to tabSRMM. It will contain the release notes for the version you are currently running and it will show up once after upgrading tabSRMM (only when the version number increases) on the first start of Miranda.

To view it again, you can use the Help->View Release Notes menu entry from the menubar in any message container.

This dialog will only contain release notes relevant to the user, that is, things like fixed bugs, or featues which were changed or added. It will also notify you of important changes to the configuration.

The dialog may also contain clickable links to pages on this blog or my forum which contain additional information about new or changed features.


Variables (development version (29 Jun 06))
2006/06/27 - added noop, protoname
2006/06/27 - fix for ANSI code2status
2006/06/24 - fix for %extratext% for ANSI plugin to UNICODE Variables


TriggerPlugin (development version (29 Jun 06))
kein changelog


New modified/fixed version of SpamBlock++.
Filters spam messages by words from a file called 'notspam.txt'.

Verfasst: 30.06.2006, 23:16
von Herzog

ohne Changelog


ohne Changelog


TriggerPlugin (2006/06/30)
Added trigger "Hotkey", requires Hotkey service by HANAX (disable the testplugin!)


added :
IRC- bunch of clients
ICQ -adium X, meebo, pyICQ jabber transport
jabber- kadu, imeem
miranda version for MSN


Avatar History
Release im Filelisting


* New avatar history dialog
* Per-contact logging/popups
* Use default popup plugin colours (optional)


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
*Ooops, fogot create the release build :)

version - 2006/06/30
+ Added option to save birthday info in the protocol module. This ensures that User Details module can read the date of birth correctly.
There are now 3 options on where to save the date of birth. Default location is "UserInfo module"; if you want to have mBirthday compatibility
you should select "mBirthday module" and if you want the default User Details miranda module to be able to read the date of birth you should select "Protocol module".
The value in the protocol module will be overwritten if you select "Protocol module" from the dropdown list.
+ Added tooltip in the Add birthday window explaining what the combo box entries mean.
+ Right clicking the popup dismissed it, left clicking will open the message window.

Verfasst: 01.07.2006, 21:57
von Herzog

Alpha History++ (build from 30 Jun 2006 16:55 +0400)

Changelog siehe Timeline

WATrack beta
Updater data changed for new hosting compatibility
Added support \t in templates (expanded when used)
Frame text now can be edited
Frame background can be picture (with effects: center, tile, stretch)
Options saves in profile directory as default (if old settings not found)
Foobar2000 recognizing code changed
Jabber chat recognized now
Fixed: 'Try to use OLE interface' option not changed
Added frame bitmap background support
Fixed: control icons in IcoLib not shows then watrack_icons.dll is not found
Volume control added
New Frame options added


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
+ Added option to set the default module where the plugin will save birthday info.
+ Added birthday near and birthday today sound.
+ Added popup preview button - age and days to birthday are generated randomly :).
! Destroying add/change birthday window over and over again (stack overflow on win 98).


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] PGP6 & PGP8 wrappers


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] PGP v8 are supported (PGP v7 not tested, PGP v9 - NOT supported)
[+] save sort order in options dialog
[*] any fixes

Verfasst: 03.07.2006, 00:30
von Herzog

Avatar Service
One more try to fix the freeze, please test it.

Also, there is 2 hidden settings (db only -> that is temporary):

byte: AVS_Settings\RemoveAvatarWhenContactRemoves (default 1) if the contact avatar have to be removed from cache when the contact removes it (sorry, i could not test if the protocol delete the file from the disk)

byte: AVS_Settings\RemoveAvatarOnFail (default 0) if the contact avatar have to be removed from cache when an error happens when retrieving the new avatar (sorry, i could not test if the protocol delete the file from the disk)


ClientChangeNotify v0.1.0.8 (build 27; July 2, 2006)
- disabled notification for new contacts
- implemented unicode logging correctly


New Away System v0.3.7.8 (build 2371; July 2, 2006)
- fixed a bug with disappeared notification icons under the Contacts tab


- support for locked protocols
- implemented unicode logging correctly (thanks to Unregistered)
- fix for MS_AWAYMSG_GETSTATUSMSG to return parsed status message
- made xstatus notification popups show current xstatus icon
- added possibility to change per-contact autoreply setting from the contact menu
- fix for wrong extra icons in the contact list of the status message change window
- other minor fixes and improvements


MirandaG15 (unicode)
- added: IRC support
- added: support for the metacontacts plugin
- added: when applying configuration changes, the old screen layout morphs into the new one
- added: a credit screen (somehow more effective than the readme I hope)
- added: optional transition effects when changing screens
- added: support for unicode contact-/groupnames (make sure you use a unicode font to use this)
- added: new filters to hide protocols from the contactlist
- added: optional timestamps in the eventlog, the chatlog and on the notificationscreen
- added: when a chatsession is active, notifications can be skipped for that contact (optional)
- added: option to use the volumewheel to scroll up and down
- added: option to turn off the g15 backlight while the screensaver is active
- added: new options to change the contactlists initial selection and groups states
- added: some small changes to the configuration dialog
- added: button to jump to the chatscreen from new notifications
- added: contactlist can be displayed in two columns
- added: replaced status strings on the contactlist with status icons, and added one to the chatscreen
- added: events are now represented by small icons
- added: option to shorten user nicknames inside of notifications
- fixed: a bug with contact renaming that could result in the wrong name being displayed on the LCD
- fixed: optimized the way contactlist & eventlog scroll
- fixed: added case-insensitive alphabetical sorting as an additional condition for contacts
- fixed: applet stays focused while replying even if automatic timed applet switching is enabled
- fixed: wrong chatscreen layout when softkey labels where disabled
- fixed: line breaks weren't displayed correctly in the eventlog
- fixed: added scrollbar to messages on the notificationscreen
- fixed: textlog & eventlog where immediately scrolling to the bottom on new events,
even if the user was just scrolling manually
- fixed: added timeout delay to message sending, so the dialog can't get stuck
- fixed: chatsession didn't update the status label when the contact signed off/on
- fixed: some improvements to the hotplugging support
- fixed: unread messages were counted wrong when a contact with unread messages was deleted
- fixed: scrollbars could show the wrong position after starting miranda
- fixed: some label issues (wrong cutoff positions, problems with multiline labels)
- fixed: italic and bold fonts weren't handled correct (issues with wordwrapping, label cutoffs..)

Verfasst: 03.07.2006, 23:31
von Herzog





WATrack beta version
Added bottom align frame picture option
Fixed: Miranda freezes on W2K when some radiobuttons clicked
Returned modified old code for Foobar recognize


ClientChangeNotify v0.1.0.9 (build 29; July 3, 2006)
- fixed non-working preview on some profiles
- fix to log unique ID of every protocol, not only ICQ UIN


MenuItemEx - modified by baloo
[*] fix CopyToClipboard function


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
* Use CallServiceSync() ... thanks Imme.
* Disable popups notifications if no popups plugin is loaded.
* Changed default colors.


Magnetic Windows
scriver workaround


MirandaG15 Ansi - Unicode
- added: support for multiple instances of the IRC protocol (thanks to lastwebpage for reporting it)

Verfasst: 05.07.2006, 00:40
von Herzog

Alpha History++ (build from 04 Jul 2006 10:53 +0400)

Changelog siehe Timeline


Beta: NewStatusNotify unicode
+ changed blinking tray icon tooltip in tray to unicode, and text - to show new status (instead of old "xxx is online" for all statuses)
* fixed "Use Status icon" option to blink appropriate proto status icon instead of global online icon in tray
* fixed "Auto Turn off popups on status change" was dependant on(and has changed) "Disable icon blinking" option in CList (!!!)
* changed behavior of autodisabling popups and sounds - now it depends on that proto status, from which contact status change notification has came (also removed one hook - should work a bit faster ;) )
* fixed assigning and deleting of individual sounds - now should work properly even if Langpack_CP != CP_ACP
+ introduced ability to disable sound and popup notifications "per contact" (check "Status notify" settings page under "Events" in options)
- disabled that "Sounds (individual statuses)" option page (noone probably ever used it).


% Bugfixes...
% Fixed Main window closing with opened smilies window
% Fixed Splitting messages, when using multisend
% Fixed docked windows via minimal style
+ Added Contact list customization panel (for multisending)
+ Added feature for saving cantact locale


WhenWasIt birthday reminder
! Users that have birthday today were shown last.
* Case insensitive comparison in birthday list.

Verfasst: 05.07.2006, 02:36
von flambee1
Du und deine 100.000 Updates ... :P

Klasse, wie du dahinterstehst. Immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand ....

Immer die neusten Builds und Alphas und haste nicht gesehen....

SUPER machst du das.

Gruss von Mira 4.3 alpha wie annodazu :smile: :P