Seite 18 von 33

Verfasst: 16.03.2006, 13:48
von Herzog

- dynamic link to crt (may require msvcr80.dll - .net2 framework)


Updater Ansi - Unicode
- fix (hopefully) to CPU lockup
- small changes to look of progress window
- fix to path creation function
- mapping for IcoLib internal name change added
- rescan plugin versions after updating inactive plugins with no restart
- added 'unregister' API function


MetaContacts Plugin
- more fixes to statusmsg and xstatus copying
- remove message re 'hidden group' for clists that fully support metacontacts


- move data files to folder in profile dir
- fix to incorrectly prefixed messages
- added IcoLib support


+ Add the right url for updater, now that nudge is on FL.
:( skipped


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] add compare public keyA and keyB :-)


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] remake "SecureIM Translate.txt"
[*] more fixes


* changed URL to point to official Miranda IM file listing
! didn't correctly depend on Miranda IM or above
! fixed a strange crash in combination with some plugins

Verfasst: 16.03.2006, 23:19
von Herzog

My Details
* Reverted to show menus on key up
+ Using miranda lists now. This version only works with newer versions of miranda
* Fixed call to NAS with parsed variables


YAMN tweety - win9x
! Bug fix with help.dll problem. (Patch by Jazzy)
( ... up_id=3292)
! Remove merge in agressiveoptimize.h


UserInfoEx Ansi - Unicode
- MultiByte->WideChar â?? string conversion is now done with the codepage read from langpack to avoid the wrong string translations
- Implemented new Unicode features of icolib

Verfasst: 18.03.2006, 00:33
von Herzog

Status Message Retriever

This is a plugin that pool status messages at a specified interval. The code is originaly from smcn, but it thought it would be better to release this as an separeted plugin.

+ Initial version

tabSRMM - The merge, part 1
A few days ago I posted the idea of creating a unified message window for all kind of chats - normal IM sessions and group chats like IRC channels.

Now, a few days later, the first part is done and the resulting plugin is already working. Overall, I’am quite satisfied with the result - the UNICODE DLL is less than 500 K (dynamically linked) which is quite good, given the fact, that it also includes the almost complete skinning engine, including frame skinning.

These 500 k still contain quite a lot of icon resources, because chat icons have not yet been outsourced to the icon pack DLL. My guess is, that a dynamically linked UNICODE build can be as small as 450k (that’s quite some code saved compared to separated tabSRMM and CHAT plugins).

I think, the size can be cut down even more, because there is still quite a lot of duplicated code, especially in the rich edit control and popup support. The chat windows integrate nicely into tabSRMMs container system, although, some features are not yet working (like notifications).

Font + color configuration is already merged into one dialog box where you can setup all the fonts and colors needed by IM or group chat sessions. tabSRMM theme support is planned for group chat windows, of course.

Long time goals…

In the long run, I plan to create a message window control which can accept and handle almost any kind of message event - no matter whether it came from a normal instant message session or from a group chat session. The message window control should be able to adopt itself - for example, showing or hiding the nick list and/or the info panel when needed, modifiying the layout of the toolbar “on the fly” to reflect the current state of the session and more.

The unified user interface will make it more user friendly, and the merged configuration will eliminate quite a lot of stuff which currently needs to be customized separately for both plugins, making this a quite time consuming and unintuitive process, especially for new users who may find it hard to understand, why they have to configure so much chat-window related stuff twice.
Finally, I should say that the idea of creating a unified chat window is not new. We’ve already discussed that more than a year ago and even some code was written back then, but it never got anywhere near to be useful.


Fixed: Crash if MirVer is not-string type (protocol and core issue workaround)
Added clients:
Clientname: Jabber Messenger
MirVer: Jabber Messenger
Protocol: JABBER

Clientname: Gabber
Protocol: JABBER

Clientname: Nitro
MirVer: Nitro
Protocol: JABBER

MirVer: Jabberwoky
Protocol: JABBER

Clientname: Neos mt
MirVer: Neos mt
Protocol: JABBER

Clientname: Gossip
MirVer: Gossip
Protocol: JABBER


Scriver Ansi - Unicode

Changelog Ansi - Changelog Unicode




Mit dieser Version werden die Ereignissnachrichten wieder angezeigt und sie werden dann wohl in der nächsten Stable auch wieder enthalten sein. ;)


Fingerprint Mod
>>> (17.03.06)
[!] version bump
[-] fix with wrong MirVer strings which produces Miranda crash.
[!] source synchronization with .15 original build (added client groups, thought it's still needed to sort).

>>> (16.03.06, internal build)
[+] added myJabber icon.
[+] added WannaChat icon.
[+] added Meetro icon.

>>> (15.03.06, internal build)
[+] added Spik icon.
[+] added M2 icon.
[+] added gYaber icon.
[+] added Konnekt icon.
[+] added SoapBox icon.
[+] added Papla icon.
[+] added Nitro icon.
[+] added USCSS Nostromo icon.
[+] added LLuna icon.
[!] updated JabberWocky icon.
[!] replaced Gossip icons.
[!] updated new blog url for Updater.

Verfasst: 19.03.2006, 20:58
von Herzog

Status Message Retriever

+ Updater support
+ More options
+ A lot of changes in pooling code
* Bugfix in contact menu option


Ignore Contact 1.0 1.0
This script is based on MBot Ignore Contact 0.4
I have added and edited some functionality.

This Script's main function is to ignore messages form selected users.
An item is added to the contact menu: ignore/unignore
The following options in the script can be configured by directly editing the php:
1. Ignored messages are logged into history by default but can be totally ignored.
2. An auto response is sent to ignored contacts with maximum frequency of every 10 seconds, this option can be turned off and the delay can be changed.
3. Ignored messages are logged in a separate file; this option can be turned off.
4. A popup can be turned on to announce that a message was ignored.


My Details
* Changed text [Top: ] to [Top:]
+ Added langpack_MyDetails.txt

Verfasst: 20.03.2006, 03:35
von Herzog
Build #49 (RC1) released
Since that build, the feature freeze is declared over all core components. Only bugs will be fixed till the 0.4.3 release. This build contains the last major feature: Unicode menus (genmenu) in nicer+. Let’s test it, and then I’ll port it to clist_modern & clist_mw, and maybe to clist_classic.


- oops, mixed up source and binary


MetaContacts Plugin
- more status data fixes
- copy MirVer even if empty

Verfasst: 21.03.2006, 03:28
von Herzog

Added ICOLIB support for the 2nd mute button icon.


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[*] bugfixes for "Secure Offline Messages"
[+] change SecureIM status from context menu (not worked in CList_classic)


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] add features into KeyX


ALPHA History++
Alpha was reuploaded
Test it for correct message sowing, using status changes, metacontacts and others...


Ignore Contact 1.0.1
I am changing the licence to GPL because the original Bot Ignore Contact 0.4 licence was GPL.
No chnage in code


AutoShutdown (beta)
- Make use of FORCEIFHUNG flag instead of FORCE whenever it is possible
- Shutdown at [hh:mm] and [yy-mm-dd] instead of Shutdown only at [hh:mm] (also making use of calendar common control)
- New shutdown type: set status to offline
- Make use of ME_IDLE_CHANGED to shutdown on idle
- Added "Thunder Shutdown" functionality
- Now making use of marquee mode of progressbar of time countdown is to long to be displayed
- Added: Hotkey support for toggling automatic shutdown on/off
- Added: IcoLib support
- Updated: DBEditor++ support
- Added: Updater support
- Added: Support for Trigger plugin (shutdown actions)
- Added: Unicode support
- Added: Functionality of Thunder Shutdown plugin (see option page)
- Removed: AgressiveOptimize.h to make it work on all systems
- Improved: New service functions
- Added: Shows countdown frame in normal window when frames are not available
- Added: Hotkey support for hotkey services (toggle)
- Improved: Now makes use of StrFromTimeInterval, BroadcastSystemMessage
- Improved: Made file transfer shutdown logic more robust
- Imroved dialogs look and feel
- Cleaned up and revisited code

Verfasst: 21.03.2006, 18:02
von 4iiii
Neue Spam Defenitionen sind zum runterladen bereit!

Spam Definitionen

Verfasst: 22.03.2006, 02:50
von Herzog

HistoryStats Ansi - Unicode
+ new column: 'word count' (number of distinct/total words)
+ filter URLs/e-mail addresses in 'words' and 'word count' columns
+ filter words/messages in 'words' and 'word count' columns
+ more options in 'words' column
+ support for IcoLib plugin
* renamed column 'most common words' to 'words'
* moved settings for minimum/maximum word length to column settings
* improved speed with disabled 'words' or 'word count' columns
* merged column types 'hours of day' and 'days of week' to 'split' (continued)
* column 'split timeline': improved speed and added options
* more columns support graphs as PNG files
* simplified update procedure (updates automatically when saving settings)
* redesigned options page (big thanks to a0x for most of the icons)
* improved support for PNG output (error handling, info for selected column)
* changed default colors for HTML output
* removed XML header in HTML output (caused problems with some hosting services)
* if necessary, automatically creates folders and sub-folders
* additional files (like PNG graphics) can be placed in subfolder
! in rare cases, creating statistics crashed with active 'words' column
! comboboxes were displayed incorrectly in pre-XP OSes
! several strings in the user interface weren't translatable
! subgroups weren't displayed correctly in HTML output


! Bug fix, check time for default proto too ;)


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] "Offline Key Timeout"
[+] "Disable encryption for game plugins"
[*] change icons :-)


Spam Filter (beta)
- packaged with unicode DLL (spamfilterw.dll) -> highly experimental!!!
- Auto-Updates for Spam Definitions using Updater (uses file listing)
- minor improvements
- fixed version resource
- shows error when miranda version is not supported or db3x too old
- remembers original NotOnList-state of spammers
- Bug-Fix using MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT (workaround for problem in core)
-> fixes Quick Search incompatibility
- Updated icolib support for latest version (requires
- "Mark as spammer" not shown for chatrooms
- The bug that YouWereAdded messages were sent to marked spammers was
a problem in ICQ.dll this should be fixed in newer versions of the ICQ protocol
(newer than
- Fixed: Invalid Regular Expressions in Spam Definitions are now notified
- Bug-Fix: Auto-Ignore spammers were not shown on the spammers list
- Bug-Fix: Sometimes short messages were considered as multiple received messages
- Bug-Fix: Memory corruption problems with the log file (and some other minor logging fixes)
- Bug-Fix: Auto-Replies were sometimes not sent out when "Delete Spam" was enabled


+ flexible, per-protocol settings
+ support for Avatar Service
+ option to replace smileys in nick names
+ support for IEView-based history plugins
* smileys will not be replaced with "red X" when incompatible emoticon set is used
* a lot of bugfixes including endless loop when focus was lost

Verfasst: 22.03.2006, 13:51
von Herzog

Spam Filter (beta)
- packaged with unicode DLL (spamfilterw.dll) -> highly experimental!!!
- Auto-Updates for Spam Definitions using Updater (uses file listing)
- minor improvements
- fixed version resource
- shows error when miranda version is not supported or db3x too old
- remembers original NotOnList-state of spammers
- Bug-Fix using MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT (workaround for problem in core)
-> fixes Quick Search incompatibility
- Updated icolib support for latest version (requires
- "Mark as spammer" not shown for chatrooms
- The bug that YouWereAdded messages were sent to marked spammers was
a problem in ICQ.dll this should be fixed in newer versions of the ICQ protocol
(newer than
- Fixed: Invalid Regular Expressions in Spam Definitions are now notified
- Bug-Fix: Auto-Ignore spammers were not shown on the spammers list
- Bug-Fix: Sometimes short messages were considered as multiple received messages
- Bug-Fix: Memory corruption problems with the log file (and some other minor logging fixes)
- Bug-Fix: Auto-Replies were sometimes not sent out when "Delete Spam" was enabled


! Bug fix, url for file in updater info points to source :-(

Verfasst: 22.03.2006, 23:32
von Herzog

Clist Modern Layered


no new clients, only version number changed to avoid updater notices on start

tabSRMM merge, part 2
This is a small progress report about the ongoing process of merging these 2 big plugins into a single chat window module.

The progress is faster than I first expected it to be and many things are already working (it is basically already possible to use the merged plugin for all kind of chats within miranda) and a you can expect a first testing release within the next few days (maybe a week or so, max). This release will also contain a more or less finished version of the container skinning engine, including the ability to skin the window frame and title bar and a sample skin.

It is also pretty stable right now and doesn’t crash (at least, it didn’t so far for the last few days…)

A few design decisions which have been already made:

* No IEView support will be added to chat rooms. Simple as it is, that won’t happen. There are many technical reasons, most importantly the fact that IEView is WAY too slow to handle busy IRC channels which can generate a few events per second. Joining such an IRC channel may crash and burn Miranda within a short period of time - the memory requirements by the embedded Internet explorer control are way too high and it is also way too slow - imagine what will happen in a very busy channel with a complex template like satin :) Miranda will eat 100% CPU and consume memory like insane.

Since this feature is dangerous and may even open potential security risks (it HAS the potential to be abused as a possible “Denial of Service” attack against miranda users in IRC channels), it is not going to happen, not even as an option. This is not open for discussion, so pleease don’t ask.

Sorry, if this disappoints you, but it really doesn’t make sense. I know that it is NOT IEViews fault as the author of IEView has done a great job to make the plugin as efficient as possible, but the real problem is the slow HTML rendering engine of IE (it is even slower when building pages dynamically which is exactly what happens in IEView).

Of course, normal instant message sessions won’t be affected. IEView support in tabSRMM will stay as it currently is and there are no plans to remove it in the future. So, don’t panic :) The above decision will only affect chat rooms (IRC channels and such), but not IRC queries (they will continue to work as they currently do and use normal IM tabs).

* Send on double enter is back :) This is another positive side-effect of the merge - the code which handles sending a message will be unified so that the way how you configure sending a message will work in all tabs, so you can send on double enter in both chat rooms and normal IM sessions. It is also no longer needed to configure it for both plugins. That also affects the “Alt-S” hotkey for sending a message which will then also work for chat rooms.

* The large send button is gone - sorry if you liked it. I don’t as it is WAY too MSN-ish and looks weird with a bigger input area. Instead, a tabSRMM-style send button has been added to the toolbar.

* Icon pack changes I’ve made the decision to merge all the icons into a single icon pack. Some of the chat-specific icons have been merged with tabSRMM icons to give the button bar a consistent look and feel and to eliminate resource usage. This step will require changes in the icon pack format, unfortunately. This will further reduce the size of the tabSRMM DLL by about 50K and simplify icon pack customization (one icon pack for everything…). Of course, IcoLib support is available for all icons.

Icon pack customization is now also easier, because icons have been logically divided into groups and are no longer all mixed together within a single IcoLib section.

* Theme changes TabSRMM message log themes (.tabsrmm files) will also import and export the look of the group chat window, including all fonts and colors, and the look of the info panel fields (fonts, colors, background). All font configuration has been merged into a single dialog (but there are sections to make the now rather long font list easier to navigate).

A container skin can hold a reference to a .tabsrmm theme file so it is now really possible to change the look of the message container by just loading a skingle skin file.

Verfasst: 23.03.2006, 12:09
von Herzog

Jabber.dll GMail mod
* IcoLib support for all the icons
* now JGmail can connect to port 443 even through proxy which allows direct connections only to port 443. Problems with restrictive firewalls and unfriendly sysadmins are in the past ;)
* some other minor changes

Verfasst: 24.03.2006, 04:39
von Herzog

Variables (21 Mar 06)

*Flash* Plugin Service
Dieses Plugin erlaubt es anderen Plugins ICQ-Flash-Avatare darzustelle, es zeigt jedoch von sich aus keine Flash-Avatare an.
Download BETA Version

Download TabSRMM Flash mod
(Anzeige im normalen Avatar-Bereich)

Andere Plugins unterstützen dies noch nicht

Ob dieses Plugin in den Avatar Service aufgenommen wird (eher unwahrscheinlich), ob TabSRMM (auch unwahrscheinlich) oder auch andere Plugins entsprechend angepasst werden ist momentan genauso unklar ;)


Version Information
Fixed "Do it now" being disabled when first entering the options window.


Spam Filter (beta)
- Improved: Invalid RegEx error to be a bit more informative
- Some minor internal changes to robustness
- Fixed some visual glitches on Spam Definitions window on WinXP
- Fixed a critical-section corruption
- Fixed/Updated Custom Folders Plugin support (new version needed)
- Added checks for new IcoLib version


AutoShutdown (beta)
- Fix: On some rare situations Miranda was not shutdown correctly
- Fix: Frame was not shown correctly on clist_modern
- Fixed mw_clist hotkey
- Some minor improvements
- Added new event
- Added checks for new IcoLib version
- Fixed minor workstation locked issue
- Fixed "sec" not shown correctly on frame (bug in WinAPI)
- Added workaround for bug in IcoLib
- Made "hang up dialup connections" code more robust
- Bug-Fix: countdown values were not saved
- Fixed: shutdown dates in past were sometimes not recognized correctly


+ new shortcuts: ctrl+page down, ctrl+page up
* bugfixes: improved compatibility with new versions of IEView


ICQJ Alpha 16
- added support for IcoLib Unicode
- tabbed options dialog
- fixed AIM profiles (again)
- fixed moving users between server groups
- improved DC handling a bit (prevent msg spoofing)
- fixed XML avatars retrieval
- show proper error instead of "Unknown error 0xC"
- fixed local invisible/visible lists (should work again now)
- fixed do not add hidden contacts to server-list (thx Heiko Herkenrath for a patch)

Verfasst: 24.03.2006, 15:20
von Shaint
SmileyAdd Ansi - Unicode

Modifier support for regular expressions
Performance improvements in animated preview window closing

Verfasst: 25.03.2006, 07:06
von Herzog

Fingerprint mod
[!] version bump
[!] sorting groups are temporarily simplified.
[!] fixed Miranda crash on try entering options.

>>> (23.03.06)
[!] version bump
[!] fixed my stupid bug with Updater support.
[!] first workaround with sorting (Still detest it, but it's better than nothing. Waiting for IconLib update).
[+] added WinJab icon.
[+] added GNU Gadu icon.
[+] added JMC icon.
[+] added BlackBerry icon.
[+] added MozillaChat icon.
[+] added Jeti icon.
[+] added QQ icon.
[+] added Gnome icon.
[+] added Jabber BeOS icon.
[!] changed ICQ for Mac and ICQ Netvigator icons and some others.
[+] added alternative clients icons (Jimm, Agile, TICQ, ICQ ISee, Miranda Jabber, Mail.Ru Agent), it's in dll, you'll see them on import.


Clist Modern Layered
* Some fixes related to Metacontacts
* /icons/proto_conn_global_connect.dll are used during several protocols connecting same time if single mode is selected
* SturtupStatus menu fix by UnregistereD


UserInfoEx Ansi - Unicode
- Some additional checks while adding pages to details dialog should avoid problems with some plugins which do not initialize all members of the OPTIONDIALOGPAGE correctly, what lead to crashes or wrong interpretation of the delivered strings
- Fixed some memory allocation issues which might have caused wrong string translations, so eastern languages should hopefully work again correctly


AutoShutdown (beta)
- Bug-Fix: "hang up dialup connection" freezed Miranda sometimes


Spam Filter (beta)
- Fixed upload

- Improved: Invalid RegExp error to be a bit more informative
- Some minor internal changes to robustness
- Fixed some visual glitches on Spam Definitions window on WinXP
- Fixed a critical-section corruption
- Fixed/Updated Custom Folders Plugin support (new version needed)
- Added checks for new IcoLib version

Verfasst: 25.03.2006, 23:41
von Herzog

AutoShutdown (beta)
- Fixed upload...sorry :)

- Bug-Fix: "hang up dialup connection" freezed Miranda sometimes


UserInfoEx Ansi - Unicode
- fixed the issue with the wrong display of text in the icon customization option page
- repacked, so updater updates correctly again


YAMN tweety - win9x
* Try to update all icons when changing in icolib.
! Allow scrolling in list of email account. (Patch by Jazzy)
! Memory leak in stls fix (y_b)