releases - updates aktueller Plugins

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 25.02.2006, 17:00


My Details
* Fix for international languages
+ Translateble options dialog
+ Show some menus on key down (but it still not work as desired, i'll have to figure it)


+ Removed whole history load on start coused by empty filter applying
+ Fixed event height sizing issue again.
+ Fixed rare bug with mouse move proccession on url


Message Export 3.00.00
-New : Export to UTF8 text files. ( Langpack updated )
-New : When used with unicode version of miranda you can export unicode.
-New : When %identifier% is used with a contact using jabber the Jabber ID is used.


MirandaG15 (unicode)
- added: notification screen now browseable (no more overwriting when multiple notifications arrive at about the same time)
- added: notifications for protocol status changes
- added: new messages for contact signon/signoff (different from contact status change)
- added: optional sending/receiving of typing notifications
- added: customizable fonts ( event log / notifications / clist / chat sessions / titles )
- added: optional "maximized" scrolling and writing ( hides the title and/or the softkey labels )
- fixed: contact list now shows unread messages after startup
- fixed: removed contact status notifications when connecting/disconnecting
- fixed: some problems with handling of unread messages
- fixed: drawing issues with the event log
- fixed: a bug that could keep the softkey labels from appearing
- fixed: scrollbar issues and a few other minor bugs

WinPopup Protocol
- Added full implementation of "Messenger sevice" mode
- Added enhanced network error messages
- Added support for Popup plugin
- Fixed unexpected long timeout of contact online status scanning
- Fixed missed Translate() calls
- Fixed worker threads handling (more robust way, like Miranda IM itself)
- Updated translation file
- Some minor fixes

Tante Google

Beitrag von Tante Google » 25.02.2006, 17:00

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 26.02.2006, 05:57

Schonmal ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die nächste Testing.

Clist Nicer+
* Version number bumped to

* fixed possible crash on exit bug.
* fixed auth requests not appearing on the tray & event area.
* improved performance for “sort by last message” - event timestamps are only
retrieved when actually needed.
* Various CLUIframes tweaks and fixes to get rid of some annoying problems with
frame re-ordering after deleting or installing frame-aware plugins.

* added option (Contact List->Window) to set the color for frame borders of owned frames. This works only for embedded frames - floating frames will have their frame color taken from the current window theme settings (it’s black for most themes).

* continued work on the floating contacts implementation. Still not very useful and therefore disabled.
The version will be released together with nightly build #48.



Wem die neuen XStatus Icons nicht gefallen der kann sich hier eine *.dll mit den alten Icons downloaden.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 26.02.2006, 16:11


MirandaQQ (libeva Version)
- Added options "Show Advertisement", "Show QQ Mail Notification"
- Re-enabled crash detection on EvaPicManager
- Fixed memory leak in EvaPicManager for file name
- Re-enabled crash detection on EvaUHManager
- Fixed EvaPicManager continues to crash after on unsuccessful reception
- Added main menu item to re-download user head
- Re-implemented passive status change
- Unicode messaging support
- Instant self signature update
- Fixed qun details not showing card names
- QunList masked
- Nick change through My Details is now synchronized
- Posting non GIF/JPG images only show warning now


added template feature
bug fixes that caused miranda on some systems to crash
miscellaneous improvements in source code
fixed version bug (again..)


+ Fallback to ansi filenames, should fix file creation issues
+ Fixed history windows visual refreshing while exporting
+ Fixed issue when URL was opened when clicking outside its submenu (thnx BiO)


* fixed "remove self" feature
* some xstatus fixes

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 26.02.2006, 23:57


- Deleted ICQ XStatus old API code
- Added Creative Media Source support
- Added 'version' resource
- Status and popup templates are separated now
- Added Media Commander Express player support
- Added IcoLib support
- Added VLC player support
- Added Helium Music Manager support
- Added Musicmatch Jukebox player support
- Added %music% command with BB-code formatting in message dialog
- Added option for player title formatting
- Fixed error with filename in File info called from popup
- Added support for J.River Media Center
- Fixed situation when player is stopped
- Fixed: 511 byte per string only saved in INI-file
- Fixed player status for unknown filetypes
- Small fix for MP4/M4A reading
- Added partial M4A file format tag support
- Added option to get unknown music format info from player
- Changed WMA tag reading code to obtain number-type values
- All resource language is Neutral now
- Changed MusicCubeOne and SAPS players recognition
- When 'no-music text' is empty and player stopped status message cleared
- When 'Keep Status' is 'on' status text cleared
- Song time can show more than 99 hours now
- Changed recognizing song filename when Apollo is 'stopped'
- Added Pluton player support
- Fixed: Clearing 'Music' XStatus doesn't work with new ICQ API
Mit diesem Plugin ist es möglich die Informationen eures Mediaplayers auszulesen. Songinfo, Interpret, Albumname und vieles mehr könnt ihr euch in einem Poup anzeigen lassen. Der XStatus 'Musik' kann auch automatisch gesetzt werden wenn euer Player an ist und auch hier können wieder alle Informationen in der XStatusnachricht angezeigt werden. Nettes Spielzeug.


C6 Protocol
1) correction on access with unique key
2) little adjustment on groupchat


bugfix: when adding a contact while wikify.dll is loaded, outgoing messages were not wikified to this new contact.

with this update wikify-settings will be set to their default values.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 27.02.2006, 23:08


+ Added standart context menu in pseudo-edit mode
+ Added posibility to send message from context menu
+ Added posibility to open user details from context menu
+ Faster history window showing on first open
+ Added possibility to highlight messages with urls as "URL Messages" items
+ Added per-contact BiDi mode settings
+ Fixed issue when per-contact password wasn't checked


Send Screenshot 0.2.4
+ Service to allow other plugins to send image to imageshack;
+ Add a options to reuse the dialog after the capture;
+ Saving and restoring edit window position, size and state;
+ Selection tool. You may move the selection, left click outside to confirm or right click outside to cancel, the current will fill the rectangle hole;
* Disable the DoubleBuffered for the scrollbox, this will make the image blink a lot on the edit window, but this improve speed of the graphic tools;
* other minor changes and improvements;
- Fixed edit window not restoring and saving options;
- Fix for not remembering the timed capture option;
- Other minor fixes;


ICQJ Alpha 15
- fixed ChangeInfo in ANSI mode
- fixed deleting of contacts (do not leave DC open)
- fixed ICQ Privacy menu - was not working (uses new services now)
- removed deprecated services
- added "InfoCodePage" setting to convert user details to unicode
- changed custom status icons (new ones are (c) Angeli-Ka)
- added Updater plugin support
- attempt to fix View/Change My Details crash issue
- other small fixes

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 28.02.2006, 13:50


AimOSCAR Alpha 8.3
* Ability to send and recieve unicode messages.
* html characters are stripped from unicode messages.
* Conversion of greater than and less than symbols to their escape character counterparts for unicode messages.
* The 'disable extended status icons' now stays checked.
* 'AimOCAR must be reconnected for this option to take effect' changed to 'AimOSCAR must be...'
* Additional client detection: Qip, micq, im2, and sim.
* fixed the aimoscar folders everywhere bug in the profile saving code.
* connection now only waits a second and up to three seconds for the buddylist to be received
* removed the on demand server-side group handling because it was a *giant* bottleneck.
* there should be no more crappy hanging because of server-side handling slowness. Going to have to rehack the whole thing in a better way or something.
* away message is now sent to buddies when they message.
* modified the direct port to shutdown before the aol connection- So hopefully that solves the hangs.
* moved most message box errors over to another thread to stop the blocking behavior.


Clist Modern Layered - Neue Seite!

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 01.03.2006, 00:21

Build #48 released
* new YAHOO protocol;
* many fixes for the AimOSCAR protocol.
and a lot of bugfixes for almost all protocol and clist plugins. Maybe the next build will be claimed as the RC1 for 0.4.3.


SMs via M+
This plugin lets u send SMs via U have to be a user of PLUS GSM

New features and bug fixes possible. It will take some time because I have a lot to do lately.
- fixed login to


Crypto++ by baloo
This libraray used in SecureIM plugin version and above for encrypting/decrypting messages and files

[*] stable release

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 01.03.2006, 11:39


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[*] rewrite SecureRecvMsg and SecureSendMsg
[*] rewrite SecureFileTransfer, worked in ICQ,Jabber,MSN
[+] split crypto engenie and miranda plugin...


Crypto++ by baloo
[*] recompile in VC6, reduce filesize

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 01.03.2006, 23:20


Clist Modern Layered

Wieder kein Changelog.


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] add gzip compression in messages


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] add compress long messages (GZip), need update Crypto++
[*] more fixes


SIM IM import all contacts 0.1b
This Mbot script upload all history files at once.

To get it to work:
- install mbot
- put it in mbot autoload folder
- optional: edit php to adjust encoding
- main menu => mbot => import all sim history
- wait.... it takes a long time

Based on Mbot Icq import


+ Fixed issue with events in system history can't be deleted
+ Added scrolling long message text by mousewheel in pseudo-edit mode
+ Added scrollbars in pseudo-edit mode
+ Added BBCodes parsing b,i,u,s,color=red,blue,green,magenta,cyan,yellow,b lack,white (thnx nullbie)
+ Other small bugfixes

TabSRMM Changelog

Changes made 2006-03-01 - (to be released with Alpha Build #49)
* fixed serious bug (possible crash/hangup) with the [color] bbcode and non-existant colornames.

* fixed titlebar not updating in some situations.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 02.03.2006, 19:02


+ Fixed ugly green color of selected text with no fontservice plugin installed
+ Added per-contact codepage setting for ansi-conversion, default = system
+ Added 'Status change' event
+ AuthRequest and Added events are moved into one 'System message'
+ Translation of some events and ansi niks are based on langpack codepage
+ Other small bugfixes


+ Status support (global or by protocol)
+ Limitation only sent 1 nudge every 30 sec per protocol.


Jabber.dll GMail mod
* JGmail specific options page
* Implemented popup timeouts and colours in options page
* Option to syncronize PC clock to Google server
* Direct the default browser to show the received e-mail on popup click
* Special sound for new e-mail notification
* Icons library manager (IcoLib) support
* Option to log in the history of virtual contact


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] version export


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] check version of cryptopp.dll (need for update)
[*] fixed "always try"

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 03.03.2006, 00:22


Clist Modern Layered
Should be fixed a lot of GDI object leaks (thnks 2 Alexander Lishansky for kicking)
Also some cleaned exit routine should avoid crash on exit.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 03.03.2006, 15:31


Clist Modern Layered
Another attempt to fix GDI leaking.

And Crash on exit (if there is non-clist frames e.g. toptoolbar)


AimOSCAR Beta 1
* Fixed a bug that caused garbage to appear instead of a recieved message.
* Multiple threads should no longer attempt to close the direct port causing miranda to hang.
* Added the ability to add buddies back in.
* Ichat and trillian detection modifications.
* Added the critical status section back in- I apparently deleted it?
* Only adds groups to the db if there are db contacts in them.
* No longer warns you if the username and password are not in the db if you aren't attempting to connect.
* Now strips away message linebreaks and replaces with html linebreaks.
* '/r' now removed correctly when stripping linebreaks.


Weather Underground Support for Weather 2006.03.02
Updated for new website


Crypto++ by baloo
[+] add UTF8 encode/decode, message len & CRC32


SecureIM - modified by baloo
[+] UTF8 encoding moved to Crypto++
[*] more fixes

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 03.03.2006, 23:07


ICQ.dll updated, only CVS merge; not tested, so backup your old file before updating.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 04.03.2006, 16:30


SmileyAdd non-unicode - Unicode
New Regular expression engine for smaller size
Button Smiley behaivior changed
(now if Button Smiley explicitly not specified in smiley pack SmileyAdd built-in icon is used (the same as TabSRMM))
DLL size much reduced
Fixed crash in selector window with no visible smileys
Fixed option dialog for smiley pack with no visible smileys


+ Now possible to change the text shown when sending or receiving nudge ( BUZZ!!! for yahoo zwinkern )
* Change options page.
! Now apply button is enable when changing status.

★ Ehrenmitglied ★
Beiträge: 1100
Registriert: 12.08.2005, 21:54

Beitrag von Herzog » 05.03.2006, 16:11


Problems with popups should be fixed :)


* bugfix: #006550 multiple monitors support
* bugfix: #006594 text attributes does not reset on drag'n'drop


+ Added unicode-aware find dialog, when it supported by os
+ Added find by unicode chars typing with history window opened
+ Reintroduce global history search (yeah, Oxygene is back :))
+ Added contact list in global history search
+ Added "All Results" item in contact list
+ Fixed grid up-down fi**ing while scrolling by mouse if filter applied
+ Fixed crash after closing search window, if search is in process
+ Added filter reset if history opened from global history search
+ Faster history event positionint if history opened from global history search
+ Code cleaning and other small bugfixes

tabSRMM available Ansi - Unicode
I’am releasing a new “general” version of tabSRMM, that is, an extra release, basically for all people who don’t use nightlys.

The noteworthy changes, compared to the last version, are:

* a few small and one serious (possible crash/hangup) bug have been fixed.

* It now supports a basic method of skinning the container interior. A sample skin is included in the download archive. Please refer to this article for more information on the skinning system, limitations and format. You also need to install a {imgdecoder.dll} when you want to use .png images for skinning. You can find a link on the download page here. Skins are unrelated to themes (.tabsrmm files) - a theme changes the look of the message history log, while a skin changes the look of certain user interface elements.

* A few UI improvements have been made - it is now easier to set the splitter in global mode, the toobar buttons can use both flat or normal mode and the message window can show xStatus icons if you want (refer to the CHANGELOG for more info).

* Some small changes have been made “under the hood” and tabSRMM can now send nuges by hitting the CTRL-n key OR selecting the Send nudge entry from the send menu (the menu, attached to the drop down button just right of the send button).

The files are also available from here, as the official File Listing is currently down and no ETA was given for its re-appearing.

Notes for installation

Both the ANSI and UNICODE version should work with the current stable Miranda build ( as well as with nightlys. If you want to use the UNICODE version on Miranda-stable, you MAY need a new database plugin (tabSRMM will tell you this at startup, saying that it needs a database plugin 0.5.1.x or later). If you get this message at startup, use the included dbx_3x.dll and copy this file to your \plugins directory.

As always, you also need a tabsrmm_icons.dll copied to your plugins folder.

To see avatars, you also need the loadavatars (avatar service) plugin.

tabSRMM Changelog
Changes made 2006-03-04

* ability to show xStatus icons on the window titlebar and the tab(s). Note: this is a basically unsupported feature. To enable it, you must create a database entry, using dbeditor++

create a BYTE value under the Tab_SRMsg module, name it use_xicons and set the value to 1 (enable) or 0 (disable).

* some tweaks to the new button drawing code for buttons with attached pulldown arrows.

* added a new BBCode: and for strikethrough formatting. There is no button for this, and there won’t be any until the button bar gets its redesign with configurable button layout (planned for one of the next versions).

Changes made 2006-03-02

UI improvments

The toolbar has been slightly modified to allow configuration of button appearance. They can now be:

* flat or 3d
* themed (visual styled) or non-themed

* You can set these options from Options->Message Window->Tabs and layout

* Also, the “dropdown” buttons are no longer individual buttons, instead, the dropdown arrows are now “attached” to already existing buttons. This looks better and makes the extremely small dropdown buttons obsolete (they were looking pretty bad with some visual styles in non-flat mode).

* The button tooltips have been enhanced and allow multiline tooltext display for better clearance.

* changes to the window splitter (the small line just below the toolbar which splits the message window into the history and input area)

Now, when you release the splitter after moving it, a menu appears which allows you to select from a few options. Your selection will then determine what happens, and there are the following options:

o Set Position for this Session -> default (and old behaviour), just set the splitter and it’s done. It will be saved when you close the session, unless you have disabled the “Autosave splitter” option on the splitter menu (see below, how to open this menu).
o Set and Save for all Sessions -> will apply the new splitter position to all open message windows. It will also save it as default value for new message sessions.
Note will not set it for sessions which are using private splitter position. To check whether a message session is using a private (”per contact”) splitter position, click the leftmost dropdown arrow on the toolbar and choose the “Splitter” submenu.
o Set and Save for this Contact only -> will save the splitter and set the splitter mode for this session to Private, which means that this contact will not share the splitter position with other message sessions.
o Revert to old position -> will forget the changes and restore the position which was active before you were starting to drag the splitter.

* added color (cyan) to the list of known colors for the [color] bbcode tag.

* Workaround for UTF-8 sending bug(s) with Trillian - when the per contact send mode is set to “Force Ansi”, tabSRMM will write ProtoName/UnicodeSend and set this BYTE value to 0 before sending a message. If “Force Ansi” is not set, tabSRMM will clear this value when it exists.
ICQJ is using this DB value to disable UTF-8 sending on a “per contact” basis.


YAMN tweety - YAMN tweety win9x
Time for release.


WinPopup Protocol
- Fixed duplicated NetBIOS-names of options page
- Fixed non-Messenger dialogs stealing
- Fixed false NetBIOS error 13 when computer and user names are equal
- Fixed false Access Denied error when unprivileged user starts Miranda IM and
Messenger service already stopped or started
- Fixed incompatibility with WinNT 4.0 (since
- Fixed empty NetBIOS names registration (some rare plugins combinations)
- Changed infinite message popups timeout to 10 second timeout
- Added message boxes with timeouts (used when Popup plugin is absent)
- Added item "Explore" of contacts menu
- Added NetBIOS names registration separate selection
- Added automatic applying (switching to offline/online) of changed options
- Added remote computer comment field to user info
- Updated translation file
