Torn Write

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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

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Re: Torn Write

von moinmoin » 07.01.2021, 16:24

If everything runs correctly (OneDrive), you don't need to pay attention to the event log. More important is the reliability history

Torn Write

von DonaldS » 07.01.2021, 15:48

I am running insider version 21286.1000. In the event log I am seeing several warnings like below. This started I believe two updates ago. Is this a hardware problem?? or a windows problem Chkdsk runs clean

Ntfs has detected torn write on a volume.

Volume correlation Id: {12480efc-c3d9-4858-8bcf-0ff0443751a2}
Volume name: C:
Volume label:
File reference: 0xBDCD
File name: \Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\logs\Common
Byte offset of the buffer within the file: 8192
Byte offset of the torn structure within the buffer: 8192
Block index: 0
Expected sequence number: 24
Actual sequence number: 49

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