Shortcut properties don't change

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Re: Shortcut properties don't change

von Piranha » 05.06.2017, 23:40

What if you choose "open file location"?
On it's original your settings should be kept.

Re: Shortcut properties don't change

von sashu1910 » 04.06.2017, 09:28

I forgot: after changing the properties I click OK button and the Properties dialog closes. If I open the dialog again, the changes are lost.

Shortcut properties don't change

von sashu1910 » 04.06.2017, 09:03

Hi, I am trying to change shortcut properties in Win10. If I right click and choose Properties I get the properties of the shortcut, for example, target and start in folder and can change them. The problem is if I inspect performed changes they are lost... What is the reason? Do I have to change properties in the Admiistrator mode? Weird :sauer:

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